Do you want to...

make a meaningful impact?
be a part of creating safe spaces for pregnancy and infant loss?
build a career doing what fills your soul?
gain the knowledge, tools and skills to build a meaningful practice?
delve deeper into your own self?
connect with others who have a passion to serve?
get your pregnancy and infant loss coach certification?

If so, then join our one-of-a-kind training program led by experts in the field of Pregnancy and Infant loss and Bereavement.

Our Signature Program
Coach Certification

This 75+ hour certification program will be delivered in a virtual learning environment with both synchronous live sessions and individual-paced asynchronous learning and practice over a three-month period.

You will have the opportunity to experience live instructor-led sessions and participate in discussions and thought-partnering in the community of practice, work independently and benefit from the support of a Mentor Coach. You will be able to identify your personal strengths as a Pregnancy & Infant Loss Coach, enhancing the development of your own practice.

WHAT TO SAY/NOT TO SAY: TO a Griever and AS A Griever
Grief and Loss Self-Directed Training

coming soon

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Self-Directed Course

coming soon